Who We Are | Sweat Ethic

Who We Are

Where We Started


Sometimes it takes years for things to develop and the pieces to fall into place. We have had the pleasure of consulting with customers through our supplement retail stores for over a decade. While listening to their journeys we noticed there wasn’t a single brand that could serve the customer through their entire health & wellness journey. People change, as do their priorities, so we wanted to create a brand that could serve not only high-performance athletes but also individuals simply seeking to live a healthier life. 

The Core Mission

At Sweat Ethic it is our core mission to provide top quality supplements while supporting local supplement retailers. First, let’s talk about the local guys for a second.  Local retailers are the life blood of their communities.  They are the ones hosting toy drives during Christmas, donating food to local food banks, and donating money for youth events. Without local businesses the jerseys we wore, the instruments we played, and the books we received would not have been there. Supporting those who help our communities thrive is what we are all about!

So, what about quality? We get it, in the supplement world there are some grey areas.  With Sweat Ethic you will never have to wonder about what goes into the product or if it is up to standard. Each of our products are carefully developed and tested. Every batch of product is 3rd party tested to meet the highest industry standards as well as manufactured in GMP facilities regulated by the FDA. From formulation to flavor and all the way down to the label you can rest assured you will be receiving an industry leading product. 

Along with our core mission, each day we operate with the following core values…

Core Values:
1) Positivity- Encouraging others with good energy and emotions

2) Integrity- Do what you say and do what you mean

3) Hard Work- Giving 100%, 100% of the time.

4) Respect- Treating others the way you would like to be treated

It's not us who make the difference it’s YOU!

Sweat Ethic’s true hero is YOU!  The mom, the athlete, the runner, the weekend warrior.  Using your favorite products to achieve all of life’s goals that you are bravely in pursuit of.  By walking into your local supplement store and picking up one of our products you can be sure that you are getting the best in quality no matter your goal. Let’s keep in mind that by shopping local you are not only helping a handful of families associated with the store, but you are boosting your entire local community…making you a hometown hero!